S04 E01: PreachersNSneakers on Ministry and Money in the Digital Age
S04 E01: PreachersNSneakers on Ministry and Money in the Digital Age
PreachersNSneakers blew UP on instagram in the last year, by simply posting photos of prominent pastors and the value of their shoes (and jackets, belts, etc). It stirs up something in all of us about what we think about celebrity pastors, people living off of donations and what they do with it, if people in ministry can or should buy anything they can afford… and particularly what that means when the images go beyond the local community context to the global online world in this Digital Age.
Join “Tyler” the founder of PreachersNSneakers as we discuss and wrestle through these issues in an honest way.
PreachersNSneakers: @preachersnsneakers and preachersnsneakers.com
Joanna: @joannalafleur and www.joannalafleur.com. Email me: hello@joannalafleur.com
My other Podcast- short, practical, daily episodes on Church Media and Communications: thefuture.church
Thanks to our Season 4 Partners:
Compassion Canada: www.compassion.com/covid
Wycliffe College: wycliffecollege.ca/wordmadedigital