S05 E03: Justin Khoe on Going Full Time as a YouTuber

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S05 E03: Justin Khoe on Going Full Time as a YouTuber

Would you quit your job to chase a hunch? That's what Justin Khoe did when he decided to go all in on YouTube before he'd even made an income from it. But he trusted his instinct and thought, if he could give it a year to grow, YouTube would become a HUGE platform for sharing his faith and making an impact on the next generation.

Check out Justin's inspiring story, but also some of the approaches he's changed along the way as he's learned how to use the second largest search engine in the world (YouTube) to reach people.

Justin Khoe: https://justinkhoe.com and @jkhoe and https://www.youtube.com/user/godhasgiventruly
Joanna la Fleur: @joannalafleur and www.joannalafleur.com. Email: hello@joannalafleur.com

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