S03 E15: James Ruddle on Performance Art and Engaging Artists in Church
S03 E15: James Ruddle on Performance Art and Engaging Artists in Church
James Ruddle is a performance artist, painter, sculptor, and high school art teacher. In this episode we discuss the place of art in the church- but particularly art as performance. Art that is in front of an audience for them to engage, feel, question, and be inspired. We also dive into some of the history of art in the church, and James goes into “teacher mode” giving us all a lesson in the power of art in our lives.
James Ruddle: www.jamesruddleartist.com and his YouTube
Joanna: @joannalafleur and www.joannalafleur.com. Email hello@joannalafleur.com
My other Podcast- short, practical, daily episodes on Church Media and Communications: thefuture.church
Thanks to our Sponsors:
Fluid Young Adults Gathering- March 7, 2020: https://fluidgathering.com/
Compassion Canada: For King and Country event- volunteer@compassion.ca or compassion.ca/volunteer. Outside of Canada? Visit compassion.com
Wycliffe College: wycliffecollege.ca/wordmadedigital