S04 E015: Grant Baldwin on how to Make Money as a Speaker


S04 E015: Grant Baldwin on how to Make Money as a Speaker

Grant started out in pastoral work, and began to realize how many people were asking him how to build a speaking platform. So he began The Speaker Lab to train and equip others in not only how to speak, but how to make a career out of being a speaker.

We bring you this conversation today because so many listeners want to grow their speaking platform into a full or part time part of their income. Grant has lots to say on this topic- and even how to do so during a pandemic like we're experiencing now with many live events being cancelled.

Grant Baldwinthespeakerlab.com and @gbaldwin
Joanna la Fleur: @joannalafleur and www.joannalafleur.com. Email: hello@joannalafleur.com
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Thanks to our Season 4 Partners:
Compassion Canada: www.compassion.com/covid
Wycliffe College: wycliffecollege.ca/wordmadedigital

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