Learn to love small talk with Dr. Mike Bechtle

Learn to love small talk with Dr. Mike Bechtle

Welcome to the Word Made Digital Podcast!
The art of person-to-person communication; like, how do we actually talk to people and with people? Why can this be so hard sometimes, or so one-sided?

How do you join a conversation that’s already happening at a party? Is it rude to enter or exit a group already talking at a party? Why do people care that you know and use their names? How can you do verbal martial arts to get out of awkward conversations?

This week we’re talking to a 30-year expert on training in the art of interpersonal communication. Dr. Mike Bechtel will give us some practical insights for introverts AND extroverts to improve our communication skills, be more self-aware, and build relationships by serving others.
Watch this episode of our podcast here
Learn more about Dr. Mike Bechtle:
Instagram: @mikebechtle
Website: www.mikebechtle.com
Learn more about Word Made Digital:
Website: https://www.wordmadedigital.com/
Connect with us on Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/fsycm98m
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Thank you to our sponsors:
Compassion Canada: https://www.compassion.ca/​​​
Canadian Bible Society: https://biblesociety.ca/
Music: "Good Morning" by Laxcity
Musicbed Licensed

Joanna la FleurComment